Monday, October 09, 2006

Chinese-English bilingual Bible to ESL teacher. Mon, Oct 9, 2006.

10/09/2006. Journal entry. A couple months ago I met a man while he was teaching English as a Second Language to two waitresses at a Chinese restaurant. I gave him my card and asked him to contact me. He later emailed me and put in contact with a lady pastor at his church who oversees their church's ESL local program. I talked to her today to see if they had a flyer for their on-site ESL tutoring program that I could give out at Chinese restaurants. She said that they'd make one up, and get back to me.

I also asked if she knew about the bilingual Chinese/English New Testaments at the International Bible Society. She said she knew about IBS, but had not seen the bilingual New Testaments. I said I could give her one and would take it to her at her church. They were having an ESL class for Spanish-speakers tonight, so we arranged to meet at her church after their classes.

She's a super-cool senior citizen who taught at one of their church's seminaries in Taiwan, now retired, and is apparently fluent in Mandarin. We chit-chatted a bit, and she had a couple questions about our church.


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