Saturday, July 22, 2006

Moment #647. Chinese to missionaries & members. Sat, Jul 22, 2006.

07/22/2006. I went to West Lafayette Indiana to attend the Lafayette Stake Single Adults dinner and game night. I hoped to make some book placements on the trip, so before leaving I made up a new "info flyer" that listed the two chapels in West Lafayette and the one in nearby Lafayette. I also included the Indianapolis mission office address and phone number, one of the church 800 phone numbers (for free material) and the church website

Before the dinner was over two full-time missionaries showed up (surprise, surprise) and naturally they were invited to partake of the food that was still sitting out. One said that they had recently eaten supper, but they'd appreciate some fruit for dessert (surprise, surprise).

I used the opportunity to ask if they ever ate at Chinese restuarants. They said yes, so I offered to give them the two kinds of Chinese Books of Mormon to take with them the next time. They agreed, so I retrieved the two kinds of Chinese plus an extra English Book of Mormon from the car for them, and explained the difference.

One of the single members at the dinner overheard the presentation and asked me if I had any extra. She wanted one to give to someone she knew who spoke Chinese. She didn't know where her friend was from so I went back to the car and retrieved one more of each kind for her, and she paid for them.


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