Friday, April 07, 2006

Moment #550. Shona at Post Office. Fri, Apr 7, 2006.

04/07/2006. At the Post Office there was a young man at the next station over at the counter in the inner-lobby. He was dressed in nice urban-style clothing, with his immaculate white hat on backwards. He was speaking a foreign language on his cell phone as he finished his transaction. He was leaving as I was still waiting for the lady to bring a package for me. I said something like "Sir, where are you from?" It was a little awkward because I didn't start until after he had turned away.

He turned back and said he was from Zimbabwe. I asked if he spoke Shona. He said yes. I said my church has a book in Shona, it's free, and that I had a copy out in my car if he'd like to see it. I think everyone in the lobby heard us, but I didn't care because he was enthusiastic in his response. I asked him to wait for me, and then the other post office employee brought my packages. We talked a little as we walked out together. I practiced a couple of Shona words that I had learned from a CD, and I got at least one of them close.

He was very enthusiastic about the Shona Book of Mormon and accepted the English too. I also gave him the name and number of a local member who is from Zimbabwe, but is originally from South Africa, and who speaks Shona, English, and Zulu.


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