Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tagalog DVD's to delivery guy. Sat, Feb 19, 2011.

02/19/2011. 1271. I was doing some volunteer work at a local church office on a Saturday. Right after I exited the door, a delivery guy showed up with a package that needed a signature. I was the only guy there, and had a key, so I offered to sign for it and take it inside, so as to save him a trip on Monday, or save the office staff from having to go pick it up.

He appeared foreign-born, so I asked where his family was originally from, and he said the Philippines. I asked if he still spoke Tagalog, and he said yes. But he didn't read Tagalog any more, so I offered him some DVD's from church with Tagalog audio tracks. He was interested, so I got three DVD's out of my car and presented them to him. I think they were The Restoration, Heavenly Father's Plan, and To This End Was I Born. He gratefully accepted them.

(Note: Case prices are not shown on the church web site. But if you phone your order in, and order a whole case, these DVD's cost only $1.19 to $1.50 each. The old ordering system had case prices online, but the new store does not.)

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