Saturday, March 22, 2008

Pass-along card at repair shop. Sat, Mar 22, 2008.

03/22/2008. 1008. I took my car in for an oil change, and took with me a study manual for a foreign language. As I sat down in the waiting area I noticed a gentleman reading a book in that same language. Shortly after the person next to me left, the other gentleman came over and sat next to me. He may have noticed what I was reading, but it also could have been because the light was better than where he was.

Then he was the one who struck up a conversation. He hadn't been in the states too long, so his English was not fluent. He's associated with a local church that serves people from his home country, and he asked what church I went to. I pulled a custom-made pass-along card out of my wallet, and showed him, and later wrote my name and phone number on the back.

We got to talking, and his car was ready first. He came back and gave me something with his church's address on it, and wrote his name and phone number on it.

Later on in the day, I thought I might go visit his church, since other churches usually meet in the morning, and our ward is currently meeting at 1:00pm. I called and asked when his church meets.

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