Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Moment #436. Missed opportunity. Wed, Oct 5, 2005.

10/05/2005. Dollar General store. Man from Algeria who spoke English, French, Arabic. My French class has been over for a few weeks, and I literally forgot I can speak enough French to offer a Book of Mormon. Doht! A real Homer Simpson moment. He wasn't in the check-out line, and I didn't want to bother him further while he was still shopping. I suppose I could have dilly-dallied a little more in the store until he was ready to check out, or waited for him outside. Or, I could have just spoken French while he was shopping (had I remembered I could speak a little French) and the employees wouldn't have even known I was proselyting. But I just didn't want to pester him beyond making small talk. However, the guilty feeling afterward let me know I messed up. That, and the fact I did feel motivated to initiate contact.


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