Tuesday, April 17, 2007

DVD at Chinese restuarant. Tue, Apr 17, 2007.

04/17/2007. 813. I was in the NW quadrant of Indy for a late appointment, and had decided to have a late supper over there before the appointment. I scouted around a bit and found a Chinese restaurant that I hadn't been to before.

I ordered, paid, and sat down. But I didn't put any material on the table until after the waitress/cashier brought my food. On her return, she was a little too fast for me to say anything.

A little later, she was back in the kitchen, and a man I took to be her husband and the co-owner came out to the dining area and sat a couple tables over and read a Chinese newspaper. I eventually struck up a conversation with him, asking where they were from and whether they spoke Cantonese or Mandarin, and brought up the "Together Forever" DVD which has a Cantonese audio track. I was awkward in segueing to the Book of Mormon, and he seemed reluctant to accept it so I didn't press. But he was interested in the DVD, and took it back to the kitchen where it sounded like they were talking about it. He didn't come back for a while, so I left while they both were still in the kitchen. I probably should have stayed longer, but I didn't want to miss my appointment.

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At 4/20/2007 12:58:00 PM, Blogger Bijoy said...

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