Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Journal Entry, New language CD's. Nov. 15, 2005.

11/15/2005. I received a 6-CD set from Topics Entertainment called "Instant Immersian 102 Languages. I bought it through Amazon.com for $30 plus $10 shipping. Amazon has another version of the same thing for $20, but I don't know what the difference is, so maybe I got ripped off the $10.

This is the 2nd set of language CD's that I bought. The other one I already have is "101 Languages of the World" from Transparent Language, and costs $50 plus shipping. So compare them and see what languages you need, and you might save a few bucks. However, the Transparent one is a bit more comprehensive.

I bought this new set mainly because it has Amharic, Shona and Igbo which the set from Transaparent doesn't have, and I regularly meet speakers of those languages. It also has several others that Transparent doesn't have and are spoken by people whom I've met in Indianapolis.

I would have bought the set from Transparent anyway, because it has Yoruba and Wolof, and Topics doesn't. And I regularly meet speakers of Yoruba and Wolof.

It can really make someone's day to greet them and say a few words in their native language.


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