Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hindi, Gujerati at gas station. Thu, Feb 1, 2007.

02/01/2007. 788. On the way home from a friends house I stopped at a gas station I hadn't been to before to buy a newspaper. (This was the first time I'd been to this friend's house since moving, so this was a new route for me to travel.) The cashier seemed middle eastern. I asked him if spoke Hindi, and he said yes. I asked if he spoke any other languages, and he said Gujerati.

I said I'd like to give him a free book in Hindi from my church, and a free Bible in Gujerati. He indicated okay. So I went out to the car and retrieved Hindi and English copies of the Book of Mormon, and a Gujerati Bible.

I went back in and presented them, and he accepted them. He was at first reluctant to accept the English Book of Mormon as he didn't read English very well. But when I illustrated the parallel concept, reading and pointing to 1 Nephi 1:1 from both editions, he seemed to catch on to the ESL aspect.

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At 2/20/2007 02:33:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Church have any materials in Gujerati yet? On my mission we taught a man running a motel who spoke Gujerati. I spoke to someone at the Church seeing if they had anything and he said they were working on it. We gave him the Hindi, since he understood that too, just not as well. So do they have anything all these years later? The JS pamphlet maybe?

At 2/20/2007 09:09:00 AM, Blogger Bookslinger said...

No, the LDS church doesn't have anything in Gujerati yet. Keep checking the "Language material Listings" at

I give out the Gujerati Bible from International Bible Society.


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