Saturday, September 25, 2010

Korean at Post Office. Sat, Sep 25, 2010.

09/25/2010. 1254. I was at the Post Office checking my box. Just as I left the building, an Asian-looking man pulled into a parking space and got out of his car. I felt like I should talk to him.

I got into my car, rolled down my window, and waited a few seconds for him to come back out. When he came back out, I said to him, that I liked to give out books in foreign languages from my church, and I asked him what languages he liked to read. He said he was Chinese, but didn't read Chinese. Then he said his wife was Korean, and indicated he'd take something for her.

So I got out of the car and went around to the other side to get out a Korean Book of Mormon, and a Korean Liahona magazine, and a "Together Forever" DVD with a Korean sound track. He gratefully accepted them, and we went on our ways.

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