Put these LDS numbers in your PDA or cell phone.
02/18/2007. If you don't carry around pass-along cards, you might consider putting these LDS missionary department phone numbers in your cell phone or PDA, and then write them down on anything handy (napkins or whatever) to give out when the occasion arises. In a pinch you could even dial the number and hand your cell phone to the other person, and they can give their info on the phone to receive the material.
These numbers come directly from pass-along cards.
LDS KJV Bible, 888-537-1212.
LDS Book of Mormon English, 888-537-2200. (Or any language.)
LDS Book of Mormon Spanish, 800-952-4800.
LDS Finding Faith in Christ DVD/VHS, 800-443-9911.
LDS Lamb of God Video, 800-720-9400. (Depicts last week of Savior's mortal life.)
LDS Together Forever DVD/VHS, 888-537-6777. (Good couples video.)
LDS Booklet for happier family, 800-499-0033.
LDS Ideas for more loving family, VHS, 888-537-3377.
LDS Joy to the World DVD/VHS, 877-300-8000.
Also handy to put in:
LDS (Your Ward) Missionaries: ###-###-####.
LDS Mission Office: ###-###-####.
LDS Distribution Center: 801-240-3800. (Save the church a buck if you have free long distance.)
LDS Distribution Center: 800-537-5971.
All the above material is free to non-members. The phone operators will ask if they want "representatives" (missionaries) to deliver the material, but if they don't, the church will just mail it, and no one will actually show up at their door. I don't know for a fact, but it is my understanding that up to three follow-up phone calls will usually be made from the missionary department to the person receiving free material.
From what I hear, requests for actual missionaries sometime get lost in the cracks. So if your friend/contact actually does want the missionaries to come over for a presentation, it's best to call your local/regional mission office, than one of the 800 numbers in Utah.
Suppose you want a Book of Mormon, but don't want to go through the LDS Missionary department, in order to avoid any possibility of being contacted by missionaries. In that case, you can order one for $2.50 (softcover, hardcover is $3.00) through the LDS Distribution Center, www.ldscatalog.com, or by phone at 801-240-3800, or 800-537-5971. I'm fairly certain they will NOT share your contact info with the missionary department. I haven't received any phone calls, or mailings.
You can also get low-cost new or used copies of the Book of Mormon on Amazon.com, both the commercial Doubleday edition, and the church's missionary edition
Labels: ideas, pass-along cards, phone numbers
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