Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Book of Mormon Moment #445. Amharic. Wed, Oct 19, 2005.

10/19/2005. After picking up a package at the counter at the Post Office, I headed out and met an Eritrean lady in the lobby. She spoke Tigrinya and Amharic, so I offered her an Amharic Book of Mormon. She accepted, so I went out to the car and retrieved Amharic and English copies, came back in, and presented them. She graciously accepted them.

The other lady she was with, her sister-in-law, was still at the counter. I asked if the other lady would like one, and she said she'd ask. I said I'd wait outside for them to finish their business.

When they came out, the other lady said I had already given her one. Oops. I have given out a lot in Amharic, and the encounters are so short, that I don't remember faces very well. They were very polite, and I excused myself.


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