Friday, May 30, 2008

Shona at gas station. Fri, May 30, 2008.

05/30/2008. 1028. I was out running errands on the other side of town and stopped to get gas at a gas station where I've met several cashiers who were from Africa. I paid at the pump, fueled up and went inside to get a soda. I hadn't met this cashier before. He was from Zimbabwe and spoke Shona. He agreed to receive a Shona Book of Mormon, and I thought I had one in the car, but on looking for it in the trunk of my car, I realized I had forgotten to restock the car after the last one I gave out a week ago.

I went back in and gave him just a flyer, that lists the languages of the Book of Mormon, and our local chapels. I included my name and phone number, and also the name and number of a local member from Zimbabwe who said I could give out his information to other Zimbabweans. I said I'd be back within a week to get the book for him, and he said it was okay to leave it there with another cashier if he wasn't on duty when I got back.

Followup: The next day, Saturday the 31st, I was back there, and left a Shona and an Ensligh Book of Mormon with the cashier who said he was going to be on duty later in the day.

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